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Fancy Rats For Sale Near Me small pet Hamsters, Guinea Pigs 2023

Fancy Rats For Sale Near Me small pet Hamsters, Guinea Pigs 2023

Fancy Rats For Sale Near Me small pet Hamsters, Guinea Pigs 2023

Visual observations on power lines, trees, shrubs, patios, etc.
Citrus and other hollowed-out fruits
droppings Attic and wall
noises Gnawing sounds and gnawed marks on roof eaves
Damage to plastic and electrical wire wrapping
Restless pets

What do I do if I find evidence on my property? 

Call “Maricopa County Vector” at (602)506-6616 – press 3 and report under the category of “Smoking automobiles and other environmental issues”

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Consult the City of Tempe website

For more information contact the City’s Neighborhood Services Division at (480)350-8234 or  

How to handle dead rats, rat droppings, and nesting areas. [Obtained from “Marin / Sonoma Mosquito and Vector Control District” brochure]

Wear rubber gloves.

Ventilate affected area by opening windows and doors the night before before cleaning.
Spray dead rats, droppings, nests, and around these areas with a 10% bleach solution (one part bleach to 9 parts water). Allow at least 15 minutes in contact time before stirring.

Clean affected area with paper napkins or mop. DO NOT USE A BROOM OR VACUUM CLEANER. Double plastic bag the rat filled with disinfectant and cleaning materials and be sure to seal. Dispose of in the city trash can.

Before removing gloves, wash in disinfectant and then with soap and water. Dispose of gloves with other household waste. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Where have roof rats been found?

In pools, laundry rooms, attics, garages, and patios. They have been seen on power lines in alleys. Roof rats spend 90% of their lives 4 feet or more above the ground.

When do they hang out?

At dusk and at night they move in an area 200 to 300 feet from their nest (where they take refuge during the day). They thrive in cool weather and are most active during the months of November through May.

How do they go around?

Roof rats are very arboreal and move along power lines to trees, laurels, vines, and roofs. They can scale brick walls and other rough surfaces. They can jump 2 feet straight up and 4 feet horizontally (double the horizontal distance if they jump from any height). Keep in mind that bushes and compost bins also provide routes and nests.

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How do they enter homes?

They enter homes and garden rooms through any opening that is larger than a US nickel. They go down attic pipes, gnaw through drywall, and into kitchen or dishwasher cabinets. They gnaw through wood, plastic, aluminum foil, drywall, and soft metals.

Why the attics? 

These rodents like attics because they provide a safe haven, a place to nest their young, and routes into the home below.

What do they eat and drink?

They love to eat citrus fruit (because it serves as a food and source of water) and other fruits (pomegranates, figs, etc.), stored nuts, seeds and grains, and vegetables in your garden. They also eat insects, lizards, tree bark, soap, paper, fur, and beeswax.

Her favorites are: birdseed (from bird feeder or bagged), cat and dog food that are left outside after dark. Roof rats eat fruit from Palma Reyna trees in the summer when citrus fruits are not available.

Water sources include dripping pipes and irrigator heads, birdbaths, ornamental fountains and ponds, irrigation, air conditioning condenser drip lines, saucers under pots, pet water containers. They gnaw through metal or plastic pipes to get into water.

How do I seal my home?

The most extensive damage occurs when roof rats enter the home, so the first goal is to keep them out.

Use stucco diamond mesh available at building supply stores to guard and seal all entry holes and vents to the home or garden room. Cut and mold easily. For the rat, this mesh is like chewing on a lot of small razors.

Look for holes in exterior walls and near water heaters, washers and dryers, electric dishwashers, and under sinks. Don’t forget to secure the drain vents on the roof.

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All cracks and crevices must be sealed.

Fill the cover of the air conditioning line that runs from the unit outside to the inside of the attic with metal scourer or copper mesh to prevent rats from climbing the insulated pipe inside the cover. Look for scratch marks on the insulation, and then set up mouse traps to catch them the next time they use that input.

Harvesting citrus and other fruits

Cut all fruit (ripe or unripe) from citrus and other fruit trees, from walnut trees and collect all the fruit that has already fallen. Do this as soon as possible and completely. The fruit and nut trees that have the most activity are those that touch other trees, houses, fences, fences or with current lines that cross them.

Donate any excess fruit that your family cannot consume to your nearest food bank.

The following winter, when the roof rats are under control or totally eradicated, enjoy your harvest, but be sure to cut your fruit early and donate what you can’t use. You do not need to remove fruit trees from your garden or patio.

Yard / Yard Maintenance

A clean yard is a deterrent.

Rake under your trees and shrubs. Prune fruit trees so that the ground beneath them is open and visible. Remove piles of wood and debris from your patio. Store sticks and piles of wood at least 18 inches above the ground and 12 inches away from walls. Yard cuttings and lush brush should be pruned.

Keep your palm trees pruned. Roof rats nest in the skirts of old leaves, as well as in debris piles and hollow trees.

Prune shrubs until you can see daylight through them. Laurels are particularly prone to shelter roof rats in the summer. Also prune bougainvillaea.

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Don’t feed them!

Don’t leave pet food outside, especially at night. Pick up dog droppings.

It would be best to stop filling the bird feeders for the next several months. Otherwise, only provide the amount of birdseed that can be consumed in one day and sweep up and collect seeds that have fallen to the ground before dark. Store bags of bird seed in sealed rat-proof containers.

Store lumps of food in sealed rat-proof containers.

Keep trash cans covered and secure.

Mouse traps and bait stations

To prevent rats from entering your property, or to eliminate rats that have already entered your property, bait peanut butter mouse traps in your laundry room and garden room. Don’t put too much bait in the mouse trap so the rat will have to struggle to get it out. This will ensure that the trap is activated. Place traps well away from pets and small children. Roof rats are nervous and wary of new objects, so leave traps in place for at least a week before moving them.

Bait stations made of plastic, cardboard, or metal provide a place for rats to eat safely. This type of station allows them to bait with poison in some places that would otherwise be difficult due to the danger to other animals.

Set up two bait stations in your yard 4 feet or more above the ground. The best places are in your citrus trees and near any likely rat pathways such as wires with close proximity to the roof of the house, trees or laurels.

It is important to close the station entrance with bait in the morning to protect wild birds that may be attracted. Open it in the late afternoon near sunset.

The practice of tying poison bait blocks directly to tree branches causes accidental poisonings of cats and wildlife. Use poison bait blocks only inside bait stations and slide the blocks to the bottom.

Bait stations can be purchased from local hardware stores. 

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Owners or residents will be responsible for purchasing and placing bromadiolone poison at the bait station. Read the entire product label or instructions first and strictly follow all instructions, restrictions, and precautions.

“Bromadiolone” is sold as “Just One Bite” and can be purchased at animal supply stores and hardware stores. “Just One Bite” is an anticoagulant that kills rats in 3-5 days.

It is important that residents’ homes are properly sealed so that the poisoned rat does not enter the home and die, creating a bad odor that can be difficult to remove.

What doesn’t work

Rats quickly learn the safest routes through yards to evade dogs. Cats will be able to kill dispersing juvenile rats, but they will rarely be able to kill an adult roof rat.

There is no evidence that ultrasonic and electromagnetic devices banish rodents. There is evidence that ultrasonic devices can cause hearing damage in pets, especially dogs.

“Maricopa County Vector Control” tested with Coca Cola (the rumor is that rats cannot erupt and die from taking it), but found it to be ineffective. Indeed, the rats loved Coca Cola.

Do not use “d-Con”. If pets or wild birds nibble on a rat that has died of d-Con poisoning, they can become ill.

Long term solutions

Seriously consider converting your patio to a desert garden (Xeriscape). Desert gardens (Xeriscape) don’t have to be gravel and a couple of cacti. There are many lovely options.

Combine the desert garden (Xeriscape) with a citrus-free patio or garden to create very effective control against roof rats.

Maintain a defensive line on your property by continuing to use bait stations, keeping your yard clean, and removing pet food and water dishes at night.

How much does it cost to buy rats?

You can expect to outlay around $200-$300 initially for a cage, bedding, food, and accessories, plus around $10-$20 for the cost of a rat. Annual expenses can vary fairly widely, but you can expect to outlay around $400-$500 per year, depending.

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How do I find rat breeders in my area?

To find a breeder near you, check the following:
AFRMA Breeder’s List.
Rat Breeder Directory.
The Rat Fan Club – Rat Breeders (however, a lot of breeders listed are no longer breeding)
AFRMA Links Page (for clubs near you)
AFRMA Directory (included in membership)

Can you buy just 1 rat?

It is possible that you have a single rat or just two that are beginning their own pack. It is much more likely, however, that you have a full pack and will need to make plans to deal with a larger group. The method of dealing with a single rat is the same as a larger group of them, just on a different scale.

What breed of rat is best as a pet?

Many believe Dumbo rats to be friendlier than other types of rats. (Dumbo rats’ ears are on the sides of their head rather than on top—similar to Walt Disney’s “Dumbo the Elephant”.) Burmese are also often considered to be very friendly. I once had Dumbo Burmese rats who were exceptionally warm and loving.

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