Tomato Cages: How To Use, Best Types & One Type You 2023
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You will get even more information if you read the comments that other buyers have left; you can base your decision on their experience. Covering a wide range from quality brands to more affordable selections, these reviews will help you choose the best tomato cage, no matter what you plan to spend.
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Today we will share ten tips that will produce a lot of tomatoes, About 50-80 pounds! Yes, you heard right – 50-80 pounds! With all those tomatoes, think of the possibilities! Tomatoes are a great source of vitamins and minerals, and they also contain a ton of nutrients. An essential part of any kitchen, tomatoes are great to have around as you can do so many things with them! Think of the amount of tomato sauce you can make, marinaras, and even sautéed tomatoes! The possibilities are endless!
10 Tips That Will Produce a Lot of Tomatoes
You already know that they aren’t the easiest plant to grow if you’ve ever tried growing tomatoes! There are always complications that may not let them grow or may not make them produce enough tomatoes. We’ve tried hundreds of different tips and tricks and found that these ten tips will produce massive amounts of tomatoes!
Your tomatoes may not be producing as much as you’d like because you may not have the right tomatoes! You need to choose the right tomato plants or seeds for your specific climate! Otherwise, you are just wasting your time!
When you are planting your tomato plant, turn it on its side – it will grow faster and healthier!
Plant the tomatoes in a trench with 3 inches of the top exposed. It will result in higher production.
Add 1/4 to 1/2 cup of light fertilizer to each tomato plant. It is what they like!
#5. CAGE
Build a wire cage around each plant. The cage should be about five feet tall and two feet in diameter.
To grow many tomatoes, you need to fertilize the plant every week. Use an applicator and fertilizer directly on the leaves.
After the first harvest, coat the tomatoes with two to three tablespoons of ammonium sulfate and water afterward. Surrounding means applying the fertilizer directly around the plant’s soil. It will give birth to the nutrients you need fast.
Cover the cages with floating covers to protect the plant from the wind. Tomato plants can be susceptible to the wind!
Wait until the tomatoes are about 30% ripe and then pick them; otherwise, insects or animals may eat them. Don’t worry – they’ll move beautifully in your kitchen!
If you still don’t know – take note! You should never refrigerate tomatoes; they don’t need it! Instead, leave them out on the counter, so they don’t lose their flavor.
When growing tomatoes in a pot, it is important to support the plant properly with tomato support posts or cages. Unlike tomato plants planted in the ground, you will also need to consider the balance of the pot and the plant. Providing adequate support will help the plant stay healthy in the pot. It will also make it easier to care for the plant and harvest the tomatoes when they are ripe.
How to make a tomato cage
Tomato cages are simple lattice structures used to help support the weight of growing tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables. As the plant grows, the fruit tends to sag on the vine, which can damage the foliage and make the fruit more likely to be eaten by animals. The edges of a tomato cage give the vines something to cling to, which helps support the fruit. Tomato cages can be purchased cheaply at most garden supply centers, but if you’d rather not spend the money or are looking for a useful home craft project, you can make your own with a few basic materials.
Purchase a roll of concrete reinforcing wire.
Take a roll of standard concrete reinforcing wire. This is a type of wire mesh typically used for construction projects, though it works wonderfully for heavy-duty landscaping projects as well. Concrete wire handles in a similar way to the chicken wire but is much stronger and more durable. You can find the concrete reinforcing wire at most home improvement stores and garden centers.
- The price of concrete wire will vary, but you’re better off shelling out a little more for a more durable wire. You’ll offset the cost by
Cut a section large enough to form the body of the cag.
Use a pair of wire cutters to cut approximately 5 feet (1.5 m) of wire from the coil (approximately 12 squares long). Be sure to wear gloves, eye protection, and clothing with sleeves while cutting metal wire. The edges of the wire spokes will be very sharp after you cut them, and it can be easy to cut yourself while molding the cage body if you’re not careful.
- Take proper safety precautions when working near sharp metal edges. Lay the coil of wire on the ground and keep it away from your face while you cut.
- Store extra concrete wire for patches or other future projects.
Bend the wire into a cylinder and connect the ends.
Using your hands, simply bend the length of the wire until both ends meet. This should be easy to do, as the cable comes in a coil and will want to curve back on itself naturally. Bend the spokes at the cut ends and hook them together to connect. The tomato cage will be about 2 feet (0.61 m) in diameter, making it roomy enough to accommodate most larger tomato plants.
- Give the hooked ends an extra twist to make sure they stay secure.
- Make sure exposed cut spokes are cut or covered.
- You can use zip ties or another type of fastener to make sure your cages don’t come apart over time.
Cut the bottom ring of the cage and insert it into the ground
Now that the cage body has been assembled stand it upright and cut the horizontal ring at the bottom edge of the cage. This will leave you with an unobstructed section of vertical spikes at the bottom of the cage that you will force into the ground to stabilize it. Insert the spikes into the soil around the tomato plant about 5 inches (13 cm) deep. Ready!
- The open squares in the concrete wire will be small enough to contain overgrown foliage but large enough to allow you to water and pick ripe tomatoes.
- These cages are strong, lightweight, and easy to remove and store.
Purchase a metal cattle panel.
Find a store that sells farm and garden supplies and ask an associate about purchasing metal livestock panels. Livestock paneling is a type of thick, heavy metal grating designed to be strong enough to prevent smaller animals from entering or escaping confined areas. It usually comes in sections about 16 feet (4.9 m) long and 4 feet (1.2 m) wide.
Livestock panels will be a bit more expensive than concrete wire or wood to make tomato cages. However, they will last considerably longer and will not be in danger of being ripped off or damaged by animals or the elements due to the sturdy construction of the panels.
Cut the panel into four sections.
Use a sturdy pair of bolt cutters to cut the panels into four equal-sized sections to serve as a tomato cage. Measure one section 6 grid squares across and cut the rest. Do the same for the length of the panel, counting about nine squares down from the end and cutting all the way down. You should be left with a rectangular section of panels that is six squares wide and nine squares tall.
Wear gloves and eye protection when handling bolt cutters. The cut edges of the metal will be sharp.
Work in a flat, open outdoor space somewhere where metal trim won’t get lost underfoot. Safely dispose of unused clippings when you’re done.
Plant the four cage pieces on the ground.
Cut horizontal bars at the bottom of the panels to create spikes that you can glue into the ground. Take a moment to make sure each trip is straight. Lay the cage pieces lengthwise, spike sides down, and push each section down hard into the soil around the tomato plants. The cage will protect and contain plant growth while allowing the other sides to remain open for easy watering, mulching, and harvesting.
The cages will be a bit heavy, so the spikes should be inserted 5 inches (13-15 cm) into the ground to help them stay steady.
If you are using cages to support multiple tomato plants, position them so that the corners of the cage are facing each other. This will prevent the tomato plants from growing out of the control of each other.
Buy the wood for the cage.
Visit a hardware or home and garden store to find the raw wood needed to make the wooden cages. For this project, you will need two 2-by-2-by-8-foot boards, along with three 1-by-2-by-8-foot pieces. .44m). The wood will require some simple cutting to form the different parts of the tomato cage.
Wood is generally cheaper and easier to find than other materials such as concrete wire and cattle panels.
Because it is an organic material, wood is less durable than metal. You should get a lot of use out of wooden tomato cages, but don’t expect them to last as long as cages constructed of wire or metal panels.
Cut the supports and steps of the cage.
Cut each of the 2-by-2-by-8-foot boards neatly in half. You should now have four pieces of 1 by two by 4 feet (0.30 by 0.61 by 1.22 m). These will serve as vertical supports for the cage. Cut the one by two by 8 foot (0.30 by 0.61 by 2.44 m) boards into six equal-sized sections. They will act as rungs for the vertical supports.
First, make all the necessary cuts. Then all that’s left to do is a nail or screw the pieces together.
You will have some wood left over after cutting the 1-by-2-by-8-foot boards. Leftover wood can be saved for future projects or used elsewhere in your garden.
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Screw the assembly.
Using a nail gun or wood screw, attach 3 of the one by 2 foot (0.30 by 0.61 m) rungs to 2 of the two by 2 foot (0.61 by 0.61 m) legs to make a basic ladder construction. The rungs should be placed approximately 15 inches (38 cm) apart, starting at the top of the ladder and leaving space at the bottom for the brackets to dig into the ground. Repeat this process to create the other side of the cage. Next, a layout of both stairs by securing three 1×2 lumber sections perpendicular to the sides.
- The 19.5″ sections will overlap the ends of the stair construction, including the 18″ rungs you placed earlier.
Place the cage over your tomato plants.
Place the wooden cage over a tomato plant. Press down firmly to mark where the legs should go on the ground. Dig a small hole for each leg, about 4 inches (10 cm) deep. Place the legs of the cage in the holes and fill the space around them with loose soil. This process will result in a single tomato cage.
If you are thinking of building multiple cages, take an assembly line approach. Make all measurements and marks at once, followed by all cuts, then screw or nail.
You can also drive the cage into the ground with a hammer or mallet, being careful not to damage the structure. It may be helpful to taper the legs or cut them into points first.
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Tomato Cages: How To Use, Best Types & One Type You 2023
Last update on 2025-02-13 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API