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Tanned Stretch Marks – Non-Surgical Ways to Reduce 2025

Tanned Stretch Marks

Tanned Stretch Marks – Non-Surgical Ways to Reduce 2025

Tanning cannot get rid of stretch marks. When you tan, stretch marks become more noticeable because they don’t tan. Self-tanner: While tanning can make stretch marks more noticeable, a self-tanner can camouflage stretch marks — both early and mature ones. A self-tanner cannot get of rid of stretch marks.

Stretch marks, also known as striae, are often a result of rapid skin stretching, commonly associated with growth, pregnancy, or weight gain. Tanned skin can sometimes make stretch marks less noticeable, as they might blend in with the surrounding skin color.

However, it’s essential to note that tanning doesn’t make stretch marks disappear or prevent their formation. Stretch marks are a form of scarring that occurs when the skin’s collagen and elastin fibers are stretched beyond their limits, causing them to break. Tanning may temporarily mask their appearance due to the darkening of the skin, but it doesn’t address the underlying issue.

Tanning cannot get rid of stretch marks. When you tan, stretch marks become more noticeable because they don’t tan. Self-tanner: While tanning can make stretch marks more noticeable, a self-tanner can camouflage stretch marks — both early and mature ones. A self-tanner cannot get of rid of stretch marks.

Tanning doesn’t get rid of stretch marks, but self-tanner can help camouflage them

  • Tanning: Stretch marks don’t tan, so they can become more noticeable when you tan. 
  • Self-tanner: Self-tanner can help hide stretch marks, but it won’t get rid of them. The right self-tanner for your skin can help smooth out the appearance of stretch marks. You can try a patch test in a small area of your skin before applying self-tanner. 
  • Barrier cream: When spray tanning, you can apply a barrier cream to stretch marks to prevent the spray tan solution from settling into the crevices. This can help create a smoother, more even tan. 

Stretch marks are a type of scar tissue, so they have a different melanin composition than healthy skin. This can lead to hyperpigmentation (darker skin tone) when stretch marks first form. 

Stretch marks usually fade over time, but they may not disappear completely. There are some treatments that can make stretch marks look better, but they won’t get rid of them.

Will dark stretch marks go away?

Stretch marks usually fade over time but may not disappear completely. Many creams and lotions claim to prevent, reduce or remove stretch marks. But there’s very little evidence these work. There are some treatments that may help make stretch marks look better, but they will not get rid of them.

Dark stretch marks, often called striae, can fade over time but may not completely disappear. Initially, they may appear red, purple, or dark brown, depending on your skin tone. As time passes, they typically lighten and become less noticeable, turning a silvery or lighter color.

Factors Influencing Fade:

  1. Skin Type: Different skin types may respond differently to treatment and fading.
  2. Age: Younger skin tends to heal and regenerate more quickly.
  3. Treatment: Options like topical treatments (retinoids), laser therapy, or microneedling can help improve the appearance of stretch marks.

Home Care Tips:

  • Moisturize: Keeping the skin hydrated may help improve its elasticity.
  • Healthy Diet: A balanced diet rich in vitamins C and E, zinc, and silica can promote skin health.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking enough water helps maintain skin elasticity.

If you’re concerned about the appearance of stretch marks or want to explore treatment options, consulting a dermatologist can provide tailored advice and recommendations.

Do stretch marks fake tan?

Although these¬†red/purplish streaks fade¬†over time they can make the¬†texture of the skin appear uneven and dull. Fake tan covers up these unsightly scars, leaving behind gorgeously glowing skin that looks smooth, polished and golden.

Stretch marks can indeed affect how fake tan appears on the skin. Here’s what you need to know:

How Stretch Marks React to Fake Tan:

  1. Absorption: Stretch marks can be lighter than the surrounding skin, which means they might absorb fake tan differently, leading to a patchy or uneven appearance.
  2. Color Variation: If the stretch marks are lighter, they may not take on the tan as well, resulting in them standing out against your tanned skin.

Tips for Applying Fake Tan on Stretch Marks:

  1. Exfoliate: Gently exfoliating the skin before application can help create a smoother surface for the tan to adhere to.
  2. Moisturize: Applying a moisturizer to the stretch marks before tanning can help create a more even color. Just be careful not to use too much, as it can inhibit tanning.
  3. Use a Gradual Tanner: A gradual tanning lotion might provide a more even, buildable color that can blend better with stretch marks.
  4. Patch Test: Consider doing a patch test on a small area to see how the tan interacts with your stretch marks before applying it all over.
  5. Consider Alternatives: If you’re concerned about the appearance, some people opt for self-tanners specifically formulated for sensitive or uneven skin.


While fake tan can be applied over stretch marks, they may require some additional care to achieve a more uniform look. If you have specific concerns, experimenting with different products or techniques may help you find what works best for you!

Do stretch marks go away after losing weight?

Stretch marks from gaining too much weight are not likely to go away, even if you lose the weight. That said, stretch marks can heal if they’re still red (indicating new stretch marks). Older stretch marks that are translucent are the most difficult to address.

Stretch marks may improve in appearance after losing weight, but they typically do not completely go away. Here’s what you can expect:

How Weight Loss Affects Stretch Marks:

  1. Fading: Stretch marks often fade from their initial red or purple color to a lighter shade over time, and weight loss can sometimes enhance this fading.
  2. Skin Elasticity: If your skin retains good elasticity, the stretch marks may appear less pronounced as you lose weight. However, if the skin has lost elasticity, the stretch marks might still be noticeable.
  3. Body Composition: Weight loss can lead to changes in body composition, and this might make stretch marks less noticeable if they become less pronounced against a slimmer silhouette.

Factors Influencing Changes:

  • Age: Younger skin tends to heal and regenerate more effectively.
  • Skin Type: Different skin types respond differently to changes in weight and may heal at varying rates.
  • Hydration and Nutrition: Maintaining good hydration and a balanced diet can support skin health during weight loss.

Treatment Options:

If you’re looking to minimize the appearance of stretch marks after weight loss, you might consider treatments like:

  • Topical Treatments: Creams containing retinoids or hyaluronic acid can sometimes help.
  • Laser Therapy: Professional treatments can reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
  • Microneedling: This can promote collagen production and improve skin texture.

Ultimately, while stretch marks may become less noticeable with weight loss, they often don’t disappear entirely. If you have specific concerns, consulting a dermatologist can provide personalized advice and treatment options.

Do purple stretch marks mean weight loss?

Weight loss or weight gain

Weight fluctuations, including rapid weight loss, can cause a lot of changes to the body and the skin too. A disruption to the collagen and connective tissues can cause stretch marks after weight loss and weight gain. And, as a result, stretch marks typically appear purple and blue [5].

Purple stretch marks do not necessarily indicate weight loss; they are typically a sign of rapid skin stretching due to various factors, such as:

  1. Rapid Weight Gain or Loss: While purple stretch marks can appear during weight gain, they can also occur during rapid weight loss, especially if the skin has not had enough time to adjust.
  2. Hormonal Changes: Hormonal fluctuations, such as those during puberty, pregnancy, or certain medical conditions, can also lead to the development of stretch marks.
  3. Genetics: Some individuals are more prone to developing stretch marks due to their genetic makeup.

Understanding Stretch Marks:

  • Color Changes: Stretch marks often start as red, purple, or brown, depending on your skin tone, and can fade to lighter shades over time.
  • Location: They can appear on various body parts, including the abdomen, hips, thighs, and breasts.

While purple stretch marks can be associated with weight changes, they are not exclusive to weight loss. If you’re noticing stretch marks and have concerns about their appearance or underlying causes, consulting a healthcare professional can provide clarity and guidance.

Stretch Marks Fast: Expert Tips

While it’s challenging to completely eliminate stretch marks, there are several expert tips that may help minimize their appearance and promote healthier skin. Keep in mind that individual responses to treatments can vary, and it’s essential to have realistic expectations. Here are some tips:

  1. Moisturize Regularly:
    • Use moisturizers or creams that contain ingredients like cocoa butter, shea butter, hyaluronic acid, or vitamin E. Regular moisturizing can help improve skin elasticity.
  2. Retinoid Creams:
    • Topical retinoids, such as tretinoin, may help stimulate collagen production and promote skin regeneration. Consult with a dermatologist before using retinoid creams, especially during pregnancy.
  3. Hydration:
    • Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated. Hydrated skin tends to be more elastic and may be less prone to developing stretch marks.
  4. Healthy Diet:
    • Consume a well-balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals that support skin health, such as vitamins A, C, and E. Foods with collagen-building properties, like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, may be beneficial.
  5. Massage:
    • Regularly massaging the affected areas may help improve blood circulation and promote collagen production. Consider using oils or creams while massaging.
  6. Laser Therapy:
    • Laser treatments, such as fractional laser therapy, can stimulate collagen production and improve the appearance of stretch marks. Consult with a dermatologist to explore this option.
  7. Microdermabrasion:
    • This exfoliation technique can help remove the top layer of skin, promoting the growth of new, healthier skin. It may improve the appearance of stretch marks over time.
  8. Consult a Dermatologist:
    • If over-the-counter products and home remedies do not yield satisfactory results, consider consulting with a dermatologist. They can provide personalized advice and may suggest professional treatments tailored to your specific needs.

Remember that preventing new stretch marks is as important as treating existing ones. If you’re pregnant or going through significant weight changes, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, staying hydrated, and using preventive measures like moisturizing can help minimize the risk of developing new stretch marks.

Tanned Stretch Marks – Non-Surgical Ways to Reduce 2025

If you’re looking to reduce the appearance of stretch marks, various creams, oils, and treatments are available. These products often contain ingredients like retinoids, hyaluronic acid, or cocoa butter, which may help improve skin elasticity and reduce the visibility of stretch marks over time.

It’s crucial to approach these treatments with realistic expectations, as complete elimination of stretch marks is challenging. Consulting with a dermatologist can provide personalized advice and recommendations based on your specific situation. Additionally, maintaining good skin health through hydration and a balanced diet can contribute to overall skin elasticity and health.

Stretch marks don’t tan, so as the surrounding areas darken, it will make your stretch marks stand out more. Also, everyone knows that tanning is a big no-no for skin health. So, if you don’t want skin cancer, premature age spots, or leathery skin, ramp up the SPFor stay out of the sun.

Tanned Stretch Marks – Non-Surgical Ways to Reduce 2025

Tanning cannot get rid of stretch marks. Stretch marks become more noticeable when you tan because they don’t tan. Self-tanner: While tanning can make stretch marks more apparent, a self-tanner can camouflage stretch marks — both early and mature ones. A self-tanner cannot get rid of stretch marks.

It’s a common misconception that tanning in a tanning bed will erase stretch marks. The truth is, nothing can get rid of stretch marks completely. Like any scar, stretch marks are permanent. Tanning can make them *more* noticeable because the stretch marks themselves don’t tan.

But tanning to erase your stretch marks is not just counterproductive: It’s dangerous. Tanning increases your risk of melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer.

Before the bliss of summertime hits, many people scramble and do everything they can to achieve a “beach body.” They hit the gym, diet, wax, tan, and find ways to cover certain aspects of their bodies that they deem unfit for beach time fun.

For some, this might mean masking the presence of cellulite (PS: cellulite is prevalent and typical—about 90 percent of women have it). For others, it might mean trying to get rid of stretch marks. 

What Are Stretch Marks Anyway? Tanned Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are scars. They develop when the skin stretches or shrinks quickly during puberty, pregnancy, or rapid weight loss or gain.

The abrupt change causes collagen and elastin—fibers that support our skin—to rupture. Like other scars, stretch marks may appear as the skin begins to heal.

Stretch marks are also associated with long-term application of corticosteroids and with certain health conditions, such as Cushing’s disease and Marfan syndrome. Darker colored stretch marks, such as purple ones, are typically newer. Without treatment, they’ll usually fade to white or silver over time.

Although many people try tanning to hide stretch marks, the marks become more noticeable after a tanning session because they remain lighter than the tanned skin. It is an excellent way to conceal stretch marks and make them less noticeable.

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Tanned Stretch Marks – Non-Surgical Ways to Reduce 2025

So, does a spray tan cover stretch marks? Thankfully, yes! Spray tans can often help reduce the appearance of stretch marks for the duration of the spray tan. Spray tans are not permanent, but they help minimize stretch marks for some time while giving your skin a wonderful glow!

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Do teenage stretch marks go away? Stretch marks are a normal part of growing for many men and women. They can occur during puberty, pregnancy, or rapid muscle or weight gain. Stretch marks are not likely to go away on their own.

Purple Stretch Marks: Causes, Risk Factors, and Treatment Tanned Stretch Marks

Stretch marks, also called striae, are scars associated with the skin being stretched and thinned, which causes the elastic fibers to break.

Typical causes of stretch marks include:

  • rapid weight gain or loss
  • pregnancy
  • rapid growth, such as an adolescent growth spurt
  • rapid muscle growth, such as a result of weight training

Stretch marks are also associated with long-term application of corticosteroids and with certain health conditions, such as Cushing’s disease and Marfan syndrome. Darker colored stretch marks, such as purple ones, are typically newer. Without treatment, they’ll usually fade to white or silver over time.

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When the connective fibers of your skin stretch too much, they can tear and leave a mark. This new scar may initially appear red or purple from blood vessels seen through the skin. Over time, your stretch marks may fade into a silver or white hue and become more challenging to treat.

Stretch marks often begin as red or purple and slowly fade to white or silver over time. The color difference distinguishes how old the effects are. Though they may never disappear completely, treatment can lighten the color of your marks and shrink them. In other cases, stretch marks fade away on their own.

Stretch marks aren’t harmful, but they can make some people feel distressed about how they make their skin appear, affecting the day-to-day living. In some cases, stretch marks may disappear after weight loss.

Tanned Stretch Marks

Tanned Stretch Marks – Non-Surgical Ways to Reduce 2022

It Works! Stretch Mark Moisturizing Cream – Tanned Stretch Marks

Does It workDoes Stretch mark cream work? A recent study by the University of Michigan, spearheaded by Dr. Frank Wang, found that most stretch mark creams were ineffective at treating stretch marks but may aid in the prevention of stretch marks, and at worst, they’re entirely useless.

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Best Stretch Mark Creams

  • The Best Overall: Mederma Stretch Marks Removal Cream.
  • Best for Fast Results: Body Merry Stretch Marks & Scars Defense Cream.
  • Top Best Multipurpose Product: Bio-Oil Multiuse Skincare Oil.
  • Best for Prevention: Mustela Stretch Mark Prevention Cream.
  • Best for Elasticity: Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Tummy Butter.

However, no treatment can make stretch marks disappear completely. There are several ways to improve the appearance of stretch marks: Tretinoin cream (Retin-A, Renova) works by restoring collagen, a fibrous protein that helps give your skin elasticity.

Different Colored Stretch Marks and What they Mean – Tanned Stretch Marks

When stretch marks first appear, they tend to be red, purple, pink, reddish-brown, or dark brown, depending on your skin color. Early stretch marks may feel slightly raised and can be itchy.

Stretch marks often begin as red or purple and slowly fade to white or silver over time. The color difference distinguishes how old the effects are. Though they may never disappear completely, treatment can lighten the color of your marks and shrink them. In other cases, stretch marks fade away on their own.

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Stretch marks often fade from red or purple to white or silver on their own. You can also treat your stretch marks while red to make their appearance fade. It explains why fresh stretch marks are red. The redness doesn’t last forever. As stretch marks heal, they‘ll eventually turn white and become less noticeable as they fade over time.


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Tanned Stretch Marks – Non-Surgical Ways to Reduce 2025

Although stretch marks are common and harmless, those who have them want nothing but to remove them. If you have the same concern, you may be glad to know that stretch marks get less visible over time. There are also aesthetic treatments that can improve or reduce their appearance.

In our previous post about Why Stretch Marks Appear, we mentioned that these lines and streaks that appear across the Body occur due to the pulling of the skin brought on by rapid growth or stretching. Stretch marks also come in several colors and usually appear on the arms, breasts, thighs, hips, and buttocks.

Please continue reading to learn more about the different shades or stretch marks and what they mean.

stretch marks on black skin – Tanned Stretch Marks

Keeping your skin hydrated can help keep the elastin that your skin needs from scarring. Using topical creams such as coconut oil will keep your skin moisturized and make stretch marks less likely. Even without treatment, almost all stretch marks will fade over time.

Stretch marks are also associated with long-term application of corticosteroids and with certain health conditions, such as Cushing’s disease and Marfan syndrome. Darker colored stretch marks, such as purple ones, are typically newer. Without treatment, they’ll usually fade to white or silver over time.

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When stretch marks first appear, they tend to be red, purple, pink, reddish-brown, or dark brown, depending on your skin color. Early stretch marks may feel slightly raised and can be itchy. Stretch marks are a normal part of growing for many men and women. They can occur during puberty, pregnancy, or rapid muscle or weight gain. Stretch marks are not likely to go away on their own.

How are scars on black skin treated? Do they fade Tanned Stretch Marks?

Some of the most common causes of scarring include acne, eczema, wounds, and sunburn. Scarring can either darken or lighten black skin. These effects are known as hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation, respectively.

The treatment of the scar depends on its cause and prominence. For example, a keloid scar may require surgery, whereas medical-grade creams could be more suitable for acne scars. Fine scars may even fade on their own.

A dermatologist can advise a person on which treatment is likely to give them the best results.

This article discusses different types of scarring and the treatment options for people with black skin. We also provide tips for preventing scarring.

Stretch Marks Before and After – Tanned Stretch Marks

After my third child, I had embarrassing stretch marks that covered my stomach and thighs. I tried to use lotions and ointments like Mederma, Shea Moisture, and Nerium, but nothing was working or seemed long term. I found Body Beautiful online and went in for a free consult, and got my first treatment done that day. It took about seven treatments to remove my marks altogether, but I am so happy that I feel confident in a bathing suit again.

Thanks for removing my stretch marks after my weight loss. I was excited to lose 50 lbs but not excited to see stretch marks all over my Body. Luckily my girlfriend told me about laser services where she gets body wraps, and I gave it a try, and it worked. Thanks, BB!

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I had a horrible scar on my face from a car accident a few years ago. My dermatologist said I should use scar cream for healing, but it will never entirely disappear. I researched some scar removal methods and found out about cosmetic laser treatments. My scar is gone. My spot is gone starting with the fractional laser, then sublative laser treatments; my fault is gone!!

Tanned Stretch Marks – Non-Surgical Ways to Reduce 2025

My scar from a sports injury has been bothering me, so I asked my doctor how to get the spot removed. She referred me to Body Beautiful Medical Spa for laser treatments, so I’m glad I did. They even threw in free treatments while I was doing there on my appendix surgery and a couple of chickenpox and acne pits. I don’t have to cover my scar with long sleeves anymore (thank god!).

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Though they may never disappear completely, treatment can lighten the color of your marks and shrink them. In other cases, stretch marks fade away on their own. Newer, red-tinged stretch marks (striae rubra) are easier to treat.

After some time, these marks fade gradually to become less visible within 6 to 12 months, but the texture of these scars will remain constant, similar to the initial stages. It’s always better to prevent stretch marks from appearing first than worrying “do stretch marks go away” later.

Does vitamin e help stretch marks? Scars Stretch Marks – Tanned Stretch Marks

Vitamin E is an antioxidant known for its anti-aging and skin regenerating benefits. It’s often used to reduce the appearance of stretch marks and scars. Combining vitamin E with these essential oils with other skin-rejuvenating benefits may boost your stretch mark treatment regimen.

However, some remedies can help minimize the appearance of stretch marks and help them to fade more quickly.

  1. Vitamin A. Vitamin A is referred to as a retinoid. …
  2. Sugar. Some people swear by sugar as a naturopathic microdermabrasion method. …
  3. Aloe vera. …
  4. Hyaluronic acid. …
  5. Coconut oil.

Collagen plays a role in keeping your skin firm and elastic. It helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles, but it may also be necessary for preventing stretch marksVitamin C is an essential nutrient for the development of collagen. Vitamin C can be found in many fruits and vegetables.

Eight best essential oils for stretch marks

  1. Argan oil. Argan essential oil is a popular natural product for skin and hair care. …
  2. Bitter almond oil. …
  3. Bitter orange oil. …
  4. Lavender oil. …
  5. Neroli oil. …
  6. Patchouli oil. …
  7. Pomegranate oil. …
  8. Frankincense essential oil.

While DIY acne treatments, facial masks, and other homemade beauty tricks might seem like a recent trend among millennials, consumers have always been curious about taking skincare into their own hands with simplified home remedies.

But over time, it seems science is proving grandmother’s favorite beauty secrets may not be performing as well as we believe. One such home remedy is vitamin E as a treatment for stretch marks.

While we’re all for taking control of your beauty routines, we’re here to set the record straight on the vitamin E versus stretch marks debate—does it work?

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Vitamin C & Stretch Marks Cause of Stretch Marks – Tanned Stretch Marks

Collagen plays a role in keeping your skin firm and elastic. It helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles, but it may also be necessary for preventing stretch marksVitamin C is an essential nutrient for the development of collagen. And Vitamin C can be found in many fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant known for its anti-aging and skin regenerating benefits. It’s often used to reduce the appearance of stretch marks and scars. Combining vitamin E with these essential oils with other skin-rejuvenating benefits may boost your stretch mark treatment regimen.

There are two things women tend to experience that can stretch their skin — yo-yo diets that result in rapid weight gain and pregnancy. While men, especially bodybuilders, can also get stretch marks, women are especially at risk due to their thinner skin.

Early-stage stretch marks begin as pink, purple, or red lesions and eventually fade and deepen to a waxy white or silver, making them especially visible on darker skin tones. 

Although there is no way to get rid of them completely, there are ways to minimize stretch marks, such as topical ointments and a diet rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and ferulic acid are the power trio behind this serum.

It is lightweight and claims to improve skin elasticity smoothness, and can you minimize and prevent stretch marks? Skin’s natural production of collagen – this isn’t your orange-a-day level of vitamin C, though,

How to Cover Stretch Marks With Makeup – Tanned Stretch Marks

Instead of reaching for a concealer or foundation formulated for the face, we recommend using full-coverage body makeup like the Dermablend Leg and Body Makeup. The buildable and transfer-resistant formula covers everything from tattoos to stretch marks, contains SPF protection, and hydrates skin.

Use long strokes and then buff out the formula using a sponge to apply it. It will give you a natural, skin-like finish. For a small area of skin, another option that we recommend is the Dermablend Quick-Fix Body Stick. To apply, use short strokes and tap to blend. 

So, does a spray tan cover stretch marks? Thankfully, yes! Spray tans can often help reduce the appearance of stretch marks for the duration of the spray tan. Spray tans are not permanent, but they help minimize stretch marks for some time while giving your skin a wonderful glow!

Of course, a full-coverage foundation is essential for covering stretch marks. Choose a full-coverage formula containing high-load pigments covering everything from scars to hyperpigmentation. While no makeup, self-tanner is a holy grail beauty product that can help disguise the look of stretch marks.

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Itchy Stretch Marks: Causes, Treatments, Itch Relief, Prevention Tanned Stretch Marks

Most stretch marks run vertically along your Body, though they can sometimes be horizontal. Healing skin tends to be itchy. With dermal tearing, your nerves respond by creating prickly sensations. It is also why your stretch marks might itch after you’ve lost weight.

When you’re pregnant, your Body goes through a lot of changes. The majority of those changes are a significant part of motherhood. But some — like stretch marks and itchy, dry skin — can be highly uncomfortable.

To make matters worse, stretch marks and itchy skin can occur in the same spot simultaneously. As if one wasn’t enough to manage, you’ve got two! Let Mustela’s experts show you how to minimize itchy stretch marks before they become a significant problem.

Along the way, we’ll answer some fundamental questions, such as Tanned Stretch Marks.

  • What are stretch marks?
  • Why do stretch marks become dry?

We’ll also give you five simple steps to treat and prevent even the most stubborn itchy stretch marks. Let’s get started!

Does itchy mean healing? While itching is normal for wound healing, scratching the affected area should avoid. Additionally, you may want to see a clinician if the itching is accompanied by soreness, redness, or discharge.

Stretch Marks Treatment and African American

I’m African American with White Stretch Marks on my Breast. What Can I Do?

I’m 5 feet tall, and I’ve lost 20 pounds. I’m now at 133 pounds and plan on losing 25 more pounds. I think my weight loss caused me the get these disgusting stretch marks. But I’m going to get laser treatments for them. But I want to know if I lose another 2.

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Black stretch mark removal options on African American skin?

Hello! I have black/purple raised stretch marks on my slightly raised hips, which is extremely hard to deal with. I wondered if any treatments would help with stretch marks of this color on African American skin? Thanks! Provided pictures for examples.

How You Get them – Tanned Stretch Marks

If your skin is stretched farther than it’s used to in a short period — during pregnancy or a weight change, for example — the elastic fibers in your skin can tear. Those damaged areas make long, thin scars called stretch marks. They can show up as brown to light brown streaks.

Weight gain – Tanned Stretch Marks

The more weight you gain and the faster you earn it, the more likely you will have stretch marks. 

Pregnancy – Tanned Stretch Marks

They’re most common during and after your sixth month. Your Body expands as your baby grows, but that might not be the only reason for stretch marks. During pregnancy, changes in your hormones can affect your skin and make it more likely to “tear.”

Medication (Birth Control Pills) Tanned Stretch Marks

Some drugs can cause weight gain, swelling, bloating, or other physical changes that stretch your skin and lead to stretch marks.

Where You Get Them – Tanned Stretch Marks

You won’t get stretch marks on your face, hands, or feet, but they can be anywhere else. They’re most likely to be where your body stores fat, like your belly, hips, thighs, breasts, and buttocks. You also might notice them on your lower back or the backs of your arms. Genetics may play a role in stretch marks. For example, if your mother got them on her thighs during pregnancy, you may be more likely to have them there.

How To hide Up Stretch Marks On Arms – Tanned Stretch Marks

  1. Step 1: Exfoliate The Skin. Your skin must be smooth before covering the tanned stretch marks with makeup.
  2. Step 2: Apply Sunscreen. Sun protection is essential whenever you are heading out.
  3. Top Step 3: Apply Concealer. Layer the sunscreen with a concealer.
  4. Step 4: Apply Setting Powder.
  5. Step 5: Fix Your Makeup.

 Stretch marks fade with time; however, treatment may make them less noticeable more quickly. A stretch mark is a scar that develops when our skin stretches or shrinks quickly. The abrupt change causes the collagen and elastin to rupture, which support our skin. As the skin heals, tanned stretch marks may appear.

Stretch marks happen when your Body proliferates for any reason. Your skin can’t stretch enough to keep up. Collagen is a protein that makes your skin more elastic. If your skin doesn’t have enough, the marks may show up as it stretches.

There is nothing wrong with stretch marks. What truly defines you is what you are from within. However, some women tend to feel uncomfortable with them.

Most prefer an even look on their skin, especially if the marks are on the buttocks, breasts, arms, and legs. There are easy ways to hide and cover stretch marks. In this article, we have discussed how you can do that. Scroll down.

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Purple Stretch Marks: Causes, Risk Factors, and Treatment Tanned Stretch Marks

Striae, or “Tanned stretch marks, “begin as reddish or purple lesions, which can appear anywhere on the Body but are most likely to occur in places where more significant amounts of fat are stored; the most common areas are the abdomen (especially near the navel), breasts, upper arms, underarms, back, thighs (both inner and outer), …

When the connective fibers of your skin stretch too much, they can tear and leave a mark. This new scar may initially appear red or purple from blood vessels seen through the skin. Over time, your Tanned stretch marks may fade into a silver or white hue and become more challenging to treat.

Thick purple striae, greater than 1cm in diameter, are characteristic of Cushing’s syndrome (Figure 2). As the fragile skin is stretched, the venous blood of the dermis becomes apparent and imparts the reddish-purple hue.

When Tanned stretch marks first appear, they tend to be red, purple, pink, reddish-brown, or dark brown, depending on your skin color. Early stretch marks may feel slightly raised and can be itchy. In time, the color fades, and the narrow bands sink beneath your skin.

Tanned Stretch Marks

Tanned Stretch Marks – Non-Surgical Ways to Reduce 2025

Stretch marks aren’t harmful, but they can make some people feel distressed about how they make their skin appear, affecting the day-to-day living. In some cases, stretch marks may disappear after weight loss.

Striae, or “stretch marks,” begin as reddish or purple lesions, which can appear anywhere on the Body but are most likely to occur in places where more significant amounts of fat are stored; the most common areas are the abdomen (especially near the navel), breasts, upper arms, underarms, back, thighs (both inner and outer), hips, and buttocks. Over time, they tend to atrophy and lose pigmentation. The affected areas appear empty and are soft to the touch.

Stretch marks occur in the dermis, the resilient middle tissue layer that helps the skin retain its shape. No stretch marks will form as long as there is support within the dermis; stretching plays a role in where the effects occur and in what direction they run; however, there are several contributing factors (see: “Causes,” below) to their formation.

Weight Loss And Stretch Marks | How to help prevent or reduce – Tanned Stretch Marks

They can (but do not always) cause a burning and itching sensation and emotional distress. It poses no health risk in and of itself and does not compromise the Body’s ability to function normally and repair itself; however, it is often considered a cosmetic nuisance.[6] Young women are generally affected the most and often seek treatment from a dermatologist[7] and following pregnancy.

Stretch marks, also known as striae distensae or striae gravidarum, are long, indented streaks that develop on the skin. Stretch marks are a common concern for pregnant women, although anyone can get them in any phase of life. Most people get stretch marks from gaining or losing significant amounts of weight.

Striae distensae Clinical Presentation: Physical Examination Tanned Stretch Marks

Meanwhile, Bollywood actress Zareen Khan was recently body-shamed for posting a photograph showing stretch marks on her tummy.

Soon after sharing her photo on Instagram, the ‘Veer’ actress was trolled with comments like ‘so weird stomach.’ But Zareen revealed that it is only natural to get stretch marks while losing weight, adding that this is how it looks when it’s not photoshopped or surgically corrected. You can see her post below!

spray tan before and after stretch marks

In short, unfortunately, no – a spray tan won’t wholly conceal your stretch marks, as this is not what the product is intended for. A spray tan can help blend out the stretch marks to make the contrast between them and your skin less conspicuous, making your stretch marks less visible.

Many clients ask if a spray tan will completely hide stretch marks. Unfortunately, it doesn’t, but the formula will cover the skin, leading to a more even tone and appearance. Clients can even do things at home with self-tan to evenly disguise scars and stretch marks.

Tanning cannot get rid of stretch marks. Stretch marks become more noticeable when you tan because they don’t tan. Self-tanner: While tanning can make stretch marks more apparent, a self-tanner can camouflage stretch marks — both early and mature ones. A self-tanner cannot get rid of stretch marks.

Does spray tan stick to scars?

Scars. Whether from acne or surgery, Scars of all kinds won’t stand out as much when you have a spray tan. Like stretch marks, evening out your skin tone with a spray tan helps minimize the color contrast, so scars blend in.

Is it wrong to tan Tanned Stretch Marks?

Tanning cannot get rid of stretch marks. Stretch marks become more noticeable when you tan because they don’t tan. Self-tanner: While tanning can make stretch marks more apparent, a self-tanner can camouflage stretch marks — both early and mature ones. A self-tanner cannot get rid of stretch marks.

What does it mean when your stretch marks get darker?

Stretch marks are also associated with long-term application of corticosteroids and with certain health conditions, such as Cushing’s disease and Marfan syndrome. Darker colored stretch marks, such as purple ones, are typically newer. Without treatment, they’ll usually fade to white or silver over time.

Does a tan help hide stretch marks?

Layering the tan is another way to help disguise stretch marks but use a warm, subtle color instead of a dark hue for the best results. Many clients ask if a spray tan will completely hide stretch marks. Unfortunately, it doesn’t, but the formula will cover the skin, leading to a more even tone and appearance.

Can you fade entirely stretch marks?

Stretch marks often fade with time. If you don’t want to wait, some treatments can improve your appearance. However, no treatment can make stretch marks disappear completely.

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Tanned Stretch Marks – Non-Surgical Ways to Reduce 2024

Last update on 2025-03-18 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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