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How Long Can You Keep Frozen Lobsters?

How Long Can You Keep Frozen Lobsters?

How Long Can You Keep Frozen Lobsters?

Lobsters are not easily available everywhere, and there is a need to keep them fresh for longer. One of the ways that can be employed to extend their lifestyle is to keep them frozen. The best thing with frozen lobsters is that they can be kept fresh and tasty for the longest time possible.

In the 1970s, lobsters were processed, canned, and exported globally, and this continued until refrigeration was all over. Nowadays, lobsters can be kept frozen in several methods, and nitrogen or carbon dioxide gasses are often used in the preservation process. Also, lobsters can be immersed in super cold brine. There have been reports about lobsters being flash frozen by blasting cold air.

12 months

Properly freezing and storing lobster extends the shelf life to 12 months. It’s essential to only freeze a live lobster after taking proper steps.

For how long can you freeze lobsters?

Many people wonder how long lobsters can be kept frozen.  The fact is that there are many factors that determine this and to a large extent, the condition of the storage is a huge determinant. Lobster tails must be kept frozen at all times. In a perfectly maintained freezer, you can expect your lobsters to remain fresh for between 9 and 12 months. However, even after that, the lobsters will still remain safe for anyone who wants to eat them. Remember that the package of the lobsters may have a carry date that shows you a general “best by date”. This date should not be misinterpreted to mean the expiry date. The date indicated in most guides may pass, but whatever is inside will still be okay for those who want to eat it.

Lobsters frozen at zero degrees are sage forever

There is no expiry date for lobsters that have been constantly kept at zero degrees or below. However, the packaging should be made of high-quality material and not damaged. However, after you have removed them from the freezer, and left them at room temperature for two hours, those lobsters should be discarded. Bacteria grow on them rapidly and you should never eat them after they have remained in conditions that are similar to room temperature for that short time. The rate at which bacteria grow at temperatures of between 40 and 140 degrees is quite fast, so you shouldn’t take chances.

Tips to help preserve your lobsters for longer

To keep your lobster frozen and fresh for more than 8 months, there are a few things that you should do. To start with, lobsters must be chilled alive. Get your lobsters blanched in an ice bath and remove the excess water before you pack them in vacuum bags. While doing this, you should endeavor to remove all the air that is present. Alternatively, you can use it in a freezer wrap. Maintain the freezing conditions at between 0 and -18 degrees.


How long you can keep frozen lobsters depends on many things. The condition of the packaging and the freezing conditions are the major determinants. However, 9-12 months will be the average lifespan of frozen lobsters.

How Long Can You Keep Frozen Lobsters?

How long can lobster be kept frozen?

9 to 12 month

According to the University of Maine Department of Food Science & Human Nutrition and the Lobster Institute, properly prepared lobster will stay fresh for a 9 to 12-month period. That is if you can exercise self-control and stare at your lobster in the freezer for that long without eating it.

Can you preserve lobster in the freezer?

For best quality, lobster should be frozen and uncooked. Freeze the lobster whole, or clean it and freeze just shell portions that contain the edible meat. (Some lobsters have large front claws that contain edible meat, while others have edible meat mainly in the tail section.)

How long does frozen lobster last in the fridge?

Remember that frozen lobster products are not shelf stable unless frozen, and you consume lobster meat within 24 to 36 hours of thawing.

Should lobster be kept in the fridge or freezer?

Temperature: Lobsters should ideally be stored in a around 40 degrees Fahrenheit fridge. Please do not put your lobster in a freezer as it is too cold. Moisture: Lobsters must be kept moist, not wet, to stay fresh. Cover them with seaweed or damp newspaper.

How To Handle Frozen Lobster

Most of the lobster meat you will receive from Maine Lobster Now will be fresh, but we now offer frozen lobster meat and lobster claw meat. We do recommend that you cook with fresh seafood whenever possible. Fresh lobster is of higher quality than processed or frozen lobster because it has not been altered.

If there is a time that you need to store, freeze or thaw your seafood, though, here are some tips for preserving the quality and handling your seafood safely.

How to Freeze Live Lobster

Properly freezing and storing lobster extends the shelf life to 12 months. It’s important to never freeze a live lobster without taking proper steps. It also includes tips for storing lobster:

  1. Start with a live lobster.
  2. Blanch the lobster in boiling water that you’ve added salt to.
  3. Next, set the lobster in ice water for about 20 minutes.
  4. Dry the lobster with a towel.
  5. Place the lobster in a freezer bag and remove as much air as possible.
  6. For more protection, place the lobster in a second freezer bag or wrap it with freezer wrap.
  7. Place lobster in your freezer.

How to Thaw and Cook Frozen Lobster

Now that you’ve frozen your lobster, how can you defrost him when it’s time to eat him?

Just as taking the proper care when freezing lobster is essential, the same applies to thawing it. Frozen lobsters should be thawed overnight or up to 24 hours in the refrigerator so the meat doesn’t stick to the shell. Not thawing a lobster before cooking can also lead to tough meat.

If you’re in a big hurry, it’s possible to defrost lobster tails in a microwave before cooking them, but it’s not as ideal as thawing the lobster more slowly.

Never thaw lobster in warm water or at room temperature. A good way to thaw the lobster faster is to put it in a plastic bag. Then, put the plastic bag in a pot full of water in the refrigerator. You can set a thawed lobster out for about 30 minutes before you cook it so it becomes room temperature for even cooking.

If you’ve defrosted and boiled a frozen lobster tail, you may want to finish it using the exploding technique, which creates a beautiful presentation. Cut the shell down the middle of the tail’s back using kitchen shears or scissors. 

Leave the tail fan in place and remove any gelatin. You’ll want to lift the meat through the slit you’ve created in the top of the shell to create an exploding lobster tail.

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