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Crested Geckos For sale Pets A Guide to Caring Tank Size, Diet 2023

Crested Geckos For sale

Crested Geckos For sale Pets A Guide to Caring Tank Size, Diet 20233

Geckos are typically small to medium-sized lizards that are native to warmer parts of the world. There are more than 1,600 different species of geckos, but not all of them are commonly kept as pets. The geckos that are most often kept as pets tend to have long feet and have lifespan between 10 and 20 years. Due to their small size and long lifespan, geckos have become very popular pets.But their care can still vary between species.

Popular species of pet gecko A handful of gecko species have grown in popularity as pets:

  • Leopard geckos
  • Tokay geckos
  • Geckos of the day
  • African fat-tailed geckos
  • Crested geckos
  • Common geckos

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Of course, there are many other types of geckos both in the wild and in pets, but these other species are not as commonly seen as mentioned above.

Choosing a gecko

If you want a pet gecko, it is best to acquire a captive bred from a reputable breeder. If you take a gecko in the wild, you will not know what diseases or illnesses it may be carrying. Look for a gecko that has light eyes, skin without dry patches, all of its fingers, toes, and tail, as well as a healthy appetite.

Gecko behavior

Although there are many types of geckos, some of them have similar temperaments and exhibit similar behaviors. For the most part, geckos are pleasant, docile pets, but most of them prefer not to be handled by humans too often as it can be stressful for them.

Activity: Most geckos, including the popular leopard geckos, crested geckos, Tokay geckos, and African fat-tailed geckos, are nocturnal so they will be most active at night, but there are some species of geckos. They are active during the day, including the fitness named Day Gecko.

VOCALIZATIONS: They are not terribly vocal, but some geckos make noises such as singing, barking and clicking when they are defending their territory or attracting a mate. Most time geckos are completely silent.

Temperament: Geckos are not typically aggressive reptiles unless two males are housed together. Because of this, it is best to separate male geckos as they can attack each other with little warning. It is rare for a gecko to bite a person, but there are some species that are more likely to do so, such as the Tokay Gecko.

House a gecko

Care requirements will vary some from species to species, but for the most part, geckos should be kept in enclosures that have branches available for climbing, a bowl of water, a hiding place, and secure covers.

Geckos can escape through small holes, so an aquarium with a tight fitting lid is recommended for housing geckos. Most geckos only require a 10 or 20 gallon aquarium as they are small reptiles, but larger species will need more space.

To line your gecko’s cage, use a substrate such as coconut shell or orchid bark, both of which retain moisture and will not be harmful to your gecko if ingested in small amounts. Paper towels and newspaper can also be used, but some concerns with the bleaching and death of these paper products lead reptile owners to more natural options.

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Heating and humidity for geckos

The ideal temperature range for most geckos is between 70 and 90 degrees, but some require alceptions temperature areas higher in the 100’s. These high temperatures are achieved through the use of heat lights and heating pads. A suitable temperature gradient should be provided in the proper temperature range for the specific species of Gecko you are caring for.

This generally means that one side of the cabinet will be in the 70s, while the other side will be in the 90s or 100s. For nocturnal species, UVB emitting bulbs are not needed, but gecko species that are active during the day will need this special light. UVB rays are invisible but very important for the growth, appetite and activity of many reptiles.

There are many different types of bulbs for UVB, heat, and light, and some may be more appropriate for your specific type of gecko than others. But regardless of the bulbs you choose, a day cycle and a suitable day must be followed to illuminate the venue. White light, even if it does not provide heat or UVB rays, must be visible during the day or your gecko may become stressed and confused.

The humidity in a gecko enclosure should be kept between 70 and 80 percent. Misting the enclosure with water is the most common method of achieving this percentage, but providing a large bowl of water will also help. A hygrometer can be used to measure how wet a gecko is.

Feeding geckos

Most geckos don’t eat plants or vegetables, so live insects are something you should be comfortable with if you want to have a gecko. There are several insect options and some are preferred by different species of gecko over others. The most commonly fed types of insects are:

  • Meal worms
  • Crickets
  • Superworms
  • Lomas wax

Crickets and mealworms are usually the staple diets of geckos with Superworms and worms being more of a treat. Some species of Gecko eat fruit and are often given a diet formulated to meet their specific nutritional needs. Feeding regimes will vary based on the age and species of the gecko and can be daily or weekly. Before feeding a gecko , insects should be fed a nutritious diet. This will turn on the insects so they can provide better nutrition for the gecko. Calcium powder should also target insects intermittently to supplement the gecko with this mineral.

Gecko management

Never take a gecko by the tail as they will often drop their tails (a natural defense against predators). However, if this should happen, there is no need to panic. It will grow although it may have a different shape and / or color. The gecko should be well fed and ideally separated from any cage mates until the tail has re-searched.

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Common gecko health problems

Geckos are not immune to health problems. Some of the better known diseases include:

Stomatitis – Also called mouth rotation, stomatitis is so gross as it sounds and needs to be treated ASAP. You will notice a reddish discoloration around the gecko’s mouth and possibly some pus that looks like the hut. Respiratory problems – A gecko that is wheezing or drooling may have a respiratory infection.

These are generally caused by a draft or low temperatures in the enclosure.

Parasites – Both internal and external, geckos are also frequently affected with parasitic infections. Microscopic worms and eggs can be in feces, and small mites can be on the surface of the skin.

Parasitic skin infections will look like a red rash or you may notice that your gecko has a hard time shedding, while internal parasites can cause sluggishness, appetite changes, and unusual droppings.

Disdedisis – This fancy word for shedding problems is a big problem for geckos that don’t have adequate moisture in their enclosures.

Crested geckos (Correlophus Rhacodactylus ciliatus)

Crested geckos are native to New Caledonia (a group of islands between Fiji and Australia). Crested geckos are ideal reptile pets for beginners, with simple and easy requirements to meet. Because crested geckos are primarily tree-dwellers, they make outstanding displays in naturalistic nurseries.

Crested Gecko Availability

Crested geckos were once considered among the rarest lizards in captivity. Today, crested geckos are raised in large numbers and have become a standard in the pet industry.


Both male and female crested geckos reach a moderate size of 4 to 4.5 inches (10 to 11 cm) in snout-to-vent length (SVL) and 8 inches (24 cm) in total length. Crested geckos become sexually mature when they are between 15 and 18 months old and weigh approximately 35 grams.

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Life expectancy

Under proper care, plan for your crested gecko to live 15-20 years.

living place 

Baby crested geckos are best housed in large plastic terrariums or standard 10 gallon (40 liter) reptile tanks with a screen top. An adult crested gecko should be housed in a 20-gallon (80-liter) tank with a top screen. Larger tanks will allow for better displays. In areas with moderate to high relative humidity, crested geckos do well in screening cages. These tanks have the advantage of being light and easy to clean. You can keep a male and several female crested geckos together. Male crested geckos can fight, especially when in the company of females, and should not be kept together.

Here you can find how to design a Bioactive ternary which is ideal for Crested Geckos.

Lighting and temperature

Reptiles are ectothermic (body temperature varies with ambient temperature), so it is important that you provide the proper temperature range for activity and feeding. A thermometer is essential for accurate temperature measurements.

The easiest way to provide heat is a low wattage incandescent bulb or ceramic heat emitter in a reflector type device placed on top of the screen on one side of the tank so that the temperature of the heating areas (branches ) reach the desired range. You should always keep one side of the tank unheated so that crested geckos can choose a cooler area to regulate their body temperature. You can also use a reptile heat pad or heat tape under one side of the thermostatically regulated tank.

If you have live plants in your nursery, a fluorescent light bulb running the length of the tank can provide additional light. Crested geckos tend to rest in foliage or shelters during the day and are active at night. They do not require UVB light if they are fed a diet containing vitamin D 3. Turn off the lights at night.


Crested geckos spend most of their time on the ground, so a variety of substrates can be used. For ease of maintenance, the reptile mat is attractive and easy to clean. For a more natural look, a peat moss-based soil mix that does not contain perlite will work well. Coconut coir (coconut coir pulp now sold in reptile stores as compressed bricks) mixed 50 percent with soil is a good choice for growing live plants.

Crested geckos are comfortable lounging in foliage and like to climb on wood. Good landscaping supplies include cork bark sections for vertical and ground level shelters and climbing areas. Angled dry wood branches throughout a nursery provide areas for rest and activity. Leave a lot of open space. Live or artificial plants in combination with wood and bark will provide the security geckos need to lounge outdoors and add a decorative element to the display. Good plant selections include small Ficus benjamina, Dracaena spp. and Pothos.

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The complete powdered diet marketed as Repashy Superfoods “Crested Gecko” Diet has played a key role in making these lizards more popular kept as pets, because it precludes the need to feed live insects. Crested geckos thrive when exclusively fed this diet, which has been tested on thousands of geckos for over 10 years. The diet is mixed with two parts of water and offered in shallow dishes three times a week as much as these geckos eat in one feeding. The diet is allowed to remain 24 to 36 hours before elimination.

In addition to fruit, crested geckos love insects and some hobbyists choose to offer them as a primary diet or as a supplementary diet. Crickets now sold in the pet trade are the best option and you should select a size where the length of the cricket equals the width of the head. Crickets should be lightly coated with a vitamin / mineral supplement containing calcium, vitamin D3, and a supplement of other essential vitamins and minerals. They should be offered three times a week as a primary diet or once a week as a treatment / supplement to the Crested Gecko diet.

Water and humidity

Water should always be available to geckos in a shallow water dish. These geckos also require a relative humidity of at least 50 percent and preferably 70 percent. In dry areas, the tanks should be slightly misty each night or a fresh air humidifier should be placed in the room. Inexpensive hygrometers (relative humidity meters) for use with reptiles are now available in the pet trade.

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In the wild, crested geckos generally lose their tails and end up with a small, pointed tail bulge. It is a normal condition for crested adults. In captivity, hobbyists like their tailed crested geckos, but this requires keeping the animals individually and pampered to avoid tail loss. Here an interesting article on the subject.

Handling and Temperament

Newly purchased crested geckos should not be handled, they are first allowed to settle for three to four weeks to adjust to their new environment and make sure they feed regularly. When you first start handling your crested gecko, keep the handling sessions short, no more than five minutes. Baby crested geckos tend to be volatile and can be injured during handling. For this reason, you should wait until they are at least 3 inches (7 cm) before handling. Crested geckos rarely bite and when they do it is of little consequence. A quick pinch and release.

Are crested geckos good pets?

Crested Geckos make very good pets because they are extremely hardy, easy to keep and handle, and come in many different beautiful colors and patterns. They are nocturnal and will spend most of the day sleeping. Once awake in the evening they are very entertaining.

How much does a crested gecko cost?

Crested geckos cost on average between $50 and $100. The price of a crested gecko will depend on the morph, the age, the gender, and the availability in your region. Unique “designer” morphs have prices that start from $500 and can cost up to $5000.

Do crested geckos bite?

Crested Geckos do have teeth. However, when it comes to biting, they rarely bite. It is only when they feel threatened or stressed that they bite. … Yes, it is due to the very small size of their teeth that being bitten by Crested Geckos doesn’t hurt that much or isn’t counted to be as something serious.

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Why are crested geckos so expensive?

Crested geckos vary in price for a number of reasons. Generally, reptiles (and other exotic pets) are priced depending on their rarity and scarcity in the marketplace. Many reptiles are very challenging to keep. Some animals may take a long time to mature, may be difficult to breed, or have few offspring.

Are crested geckos high maintenance?

Crested geckos were once thought to be extinct, but were “rediscovered” around 1994. Since then, their popularity as pets has continually increased. They are a low-maintenance pet, well-suited for children or novice lizard owners who have little time to devote to their daily care.

Is a crested gecko good for beginners?

Crested geckos are ideal reptile pets for beginners, with simple, easy- to-meet requirements. Because crested geckos are primarily tree dwellers, they make outstanding displays in naturalistic vivarium.

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