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Axolotls for Sale Buy Great Deal And Healthy Pet 2023

Axolotls for Sale

Axolotls for Sale Buy Great Deal And Healthy Pet 2023

Axolotls are amphibians native to Mexico that can be perfectly kept as a pet. We bring you all the indications so that your pet does not miss anything. The axolotl or water monster is an amphibian very similar to the salamander that belongs to the ambistomatid family.

The axolotl or water monster is an amphibian very similar to the salamander that belongs to the ambistomatid family. It is known as a ‘fish with legs’ and its appearance is similar to that of a giant tadpole with legs and a tail. Its most surprising characteristic is that it has the ability to regenerate itself. It can live up to 30 years in captivity and only 3 to 6 in the wild.


This marine animal is endemic to the Valley of Mexico, specifically Xochimilco, Mexico City. It inhabits lakes or water channels with little depth and with a lot of aquatic vegetation. Although a few years ago it was very common to find one of these cute little animals in the wild, today it is in critical danger of extinction since 2006 so it is much easier to see it in captivity .

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Its appearance is similar to that of a giant tadpole with legs and a tail . Its head is very robust, wide and quite flat. The rest of the body much more elongated and flattened on the sides. This aquatic animal measures around 25 cm in length, except for some specimens that reach 30 cm. It has 4 legs with fine pointed toes that do not grow nails. It has 4 toes on the hind legs and 5 on the forelegs. It also has 3 pairs of gills that are born at the base of its head and go backwards with which it can breathe.

Axolotls for Sale Buy Great Deal And Healthy Pet 2023

Their skin is almost entirely smooth except in some areas that may be slightly rough and with some pores that can only be seen up close. In the wild, this amphibian can be dark brown or brown with a black back and a lighter wind and some dark spots. However, in captivity they are gray, green, orange and even white with black eyes.

They generally remain in the larval state all their lives, preserving the gills and not developing the eyelids through a process called Neoteny, although there are exceptions of these animals that undergo metamorphosis and become tiger salamanders. 

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They are aquatic animals and they take oxygen through their gills and their skin even though they sound like they go outside to breathe air on the surface with their lungs. Their most striking feature is that they are capable of regenerating when they lose a limb such as their legs or their tail, but they are also capable of regenerating vital organs such as the brain or their heart.


It is an elusive , solitary animal and there is no known interaction between individuals except mating. This aquatic living being reproduces only once a year, laying from 500 to 1200 eggs during its fertility period, which includes the months of November, December and January.


If you have in mind to adopt a specimen of this fantastic pet, you must take into account a series of indications when preparing the aquarium in which it will live. First of all, they need a fairly long aquarium of between 70 and 100 cm so that they can swim freely. 

Deep, the water must be at least 15 cm. As they take oxygen from the air, it is not necessary to install an aerator, but it is advisable to introduce an activated carbon filter to eliminate nitrogen residues. The water must be chlorine-freeand never exceed 20 degrees of temperature. You should change the water every 10 or 15 days cleaning the bottom very well since this aquatic being tends to get very dirty with its excrement.

Add some plants that grow in low light since the axolotl prefers shady areas. For example, you can look for one that is floating and partially blocks the passage of light. It is also advisable to put plants or ornaments in the center of the aquarium as they like to swim around them. 

Meet the Peter Pan of salamanders, the axolotl

You must be careful so that they do not have sharp edges so that they do not damage the skin of your animal . The gravel that you choose for the bottom cannot be very fine since your pet could swallow it when it sucks the debris from the bottom . The lighting can be achieved through dim lights such as LED lights or night lights.

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It is not recommended that a specimen of axolotl coexist in the same aquarium with another marine animal since our pet will end up eating the smallest fish or being attacked by it if it is larger. You can bring two axolotls together in the same space only when they are older and the aquarium is large, otherwise the largest it will eat the little one.


The axolotl is a carnivorous pet and must be supplied with protein of animal origin. When they are small larvae they must feed every day while in their adult phase they only need to eat between 2 and 4 times a week. It has no teeth and they are unable to chew so it feeds on prey that are left whole in its mouth. They love earthworms or water worms, small fish, mosquito larvae or small crustaceans. You can buy small fish to be raised in the same aquarium so the axolotl will eat them when it grows up. In the same way, you can give him small pieces of polo, beef or fish.

Aquarium axolotl, is it advisable to have it at home?

This curious animal, capable of living up to three decades in captivity, has the ability to regenerate tail, limbs and gills

The axolotl is a unique and fascinating animal. For those looking for something different for their aquarium, this peculiar species may be an option. However, many people wonder if it is advisable to have it at home.

It is advisable to be informed about their care and needs to provide them with a suitable home. It is important to learn how to take care of these animals, with their peculiar shape and impressive characteristics.

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Habitat and distinctive features

The axolotl ( Ambystoma mexicamun ) is native to lakes Xochimilco and Chalco in Mexico.  It has the rare ability to regenerate its gills, tail, and even limbs; in addition, it can live up to 30 years in captivity.

This amphibian is very similar to the salamander and is popularly known as a fish with legs. Actually, it  has the appearance of a tadpole with legs and tail, with a robust, broad and flat head.

The axolotl can reach a length of 30 centimeters and has four legs with fairly fine toes without nails. They have three pairs of gills at the base of their head, through which they breathe; in wildlife this amphibian can be found in brown or brown colors.

In captivity, axolotls are generally gray, green, orange, and white with black eyes . Their skin is smooth and they remain in the larval stage, they retain their gills  and never develop eyelids. Because of this it is called a neotenic salamander.

Conditioning the aquarium for the axolotl

If you have decided to have an axolotl as a domestic pet, you should keep these guidelines in mind:

  1. You need a long tank that measures between 70 and 100 centimeters.
  2. With a depth of about 15 centimeters.
  3. When taking oxygen you do not need an aerator, but you do need a carbon filter to remove nitrogen residues.
  4. The water must remain very clean and at an approximate temperature of 20 ° C, it is advisable to change it every 10 or 15 days.
  5. If some aquatic plants suitable for low light are placed, they will provide shade for the axolotl and it will be able to walk between them.
  6. It is also advisable to place plants or ornaments in the center of the aquarium so that you can swim around them.
  7. The lighting should be subdued and cool , and the proper water temperature must be maintained.

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Tips for keeping axolotls in the aquarium

While the captive care of the axolotl is relatively easy, it is important to consider certain aspects to ensure its long-term health.

One of these parameters is temperature, and that is that  axolotls are cold-water animals, below 70 ° F is the ideal; therefore, they can become stressed by high temperatures. In practice, the hotter the water, the less oxygen it contains.

Another important aspect is the substrate. Aquariums with a sand substrate are ideal for axolotls; Let’s not forget that, in addition to swimming, they like to hold on and walk on the bottom.

When it comes to compatibility with other fish, it is preferable to keep these amphibians alone in the tank. Their external gills and slow nature make them easy prey for other fish. 

Axolotls have nocturnal habits and can attack other sleeping fish . In this sense, it is almost impossible to find an aquarium companion for an axolotl; it is preferable to mix only individuals of similar size and in a suitable space. Although they are very resistant animals, it is necessary to avoid heat strokes and expose them to direct sunlight.

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Other curious notes about the axolotl

This species native to Mexico differs from salamanders and newts because it lives in water. Axolotls can go out and walk on land, but they prefer to be on the bottom of lakes . These are its characteristics:

  • It is a lonely and elusive animal.
  • They reproduce annually by laying between 500 and 1,200 eggs.
  • It is carnivorous, it must be fed with protein of animal origin and, since it does not have teeth, its diet must contain: earthworms and water, small fish, mosquito larvae; it is possible to give them  pieces of chicken, beef or fish.
  • They need to be fed two to four times a week.
  • They reproduce in captivity with ease.

Since 2006, the axolotl has been declared an endangered species . The contamination of the waters of Lake Xochimilco and its indiscriminate fishing because it is considered an exquisite delicacy make the Axolotl a threatened species.

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Can you legally own an axolotl?

Is It Legal to Own a Pet Axolotl? Axolotls are illegal to own in some states, including California, Maine, New Jersey, and Virginia. In New Mexico, they are legal to own but illegal to import from other states. … Thus, they should never be taken from the wild for the pet trade.

How much do axolotls cost?

Axolotls range from $20 for juveniles up to $35 for adults. A standard starter set up will cost about $85, including filter pump, gravel and tank pH test kit (larger rocks, plants and other ornaments may cost extra). More efficient and preferred filtration systems can cost up to $165.

Can you buy a axolotl in the US? Getting an Axolotl

However, axolotls are widely available from private breeders and axolotl enthusiasts. They may also be available at reptile shows and expos. You can order them over the internet or you may be able to get one special ordered from the exotic pet store in your area

Does PetSmart sell axolotls?

PetSmart does not sell axolotls as pets in any of its stores or online as of 2021. Though PetSmart offers a range of amphibians, reptiles, and fish, axolotls do not appear in any of their stock lists. Instead, customers are advised to visit local breeders to purchase axolotls as pets.

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